Like many other Congressional Award participants, Madison Frauendienst had to find new ways to earn her volunteer public service (VPS) hours when the COVID-19 pandemic hit.
Frauendienst, an eleventh grader in Cheyenne, has volunteered regularly at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center since 2018. After the pandemic hit, she couldn’t volunteer at the hospital because of health and safety protocols. Instead, she started tutoring her peers, created a scrapbook for Wyoming First Lady Jennie Gordon, and wrote letters to senior citizens.
“I wanted to reach out to the community in a more personal way,” Frauendienst said, explaining why she decided to tutor.
She used her laptop to keep a schedule for all those she was helping at one time and her math notes.
Frauendienst started the Congressional Award program in April 2018. So far, she has earned her Bronze and Silver medals and is working on her Gold.
“I am involved in the Congressional Award to grow as a person and learn the importance of helping my community,” Frauendienst said.
She added that she also wanted to learn how to set realistic goals and accomplish them.
Frauendienst recommended tutoring as a way to help others, along with achieving volunteer hour requirements.
“It is a difficult time for everyone, and by doing this, you are able to stay connected and help someone who needs it,” she said.
She also wrote letters to senior citizens. “I would highly recommend this activity because it allowed me to reach out and send my love to people who needed it the most,” she said.